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The Secret Path of Horus

14 Days Tour

The Secret Path of Horus

14 Days Tour

Traverse Egypt on a mesmerizing 14-day journey through its wonders. Begin in Cairo, where the magnificent pyramids of Giza and the iconic Sphinx will leave you in awe. Explore the grandeur of the Egyptian Museum and immerse yourself in ancient history. Experience the allure of Alexandria, once a thriving city associated with legends of Cleopatra and Alexander the Great. Here, you can visit the catacombs of Kom El-Shoqafa then marvel at the Fort of Qaitbey. From there, you will fly to Aswan where you can sail on a traditional Nile felucca. This is where you can relish the serene beauty of the Nile. Discover the legendary Temples of Abu Simbel and roam through the captivating Temple of Isis on Philae Island.

Continue your adventure in Luxor, exploring the temples of Karnak and Luxor, then venturing into the Valley of the Kings. Finally, unwind on the picturesque beaches of Hurghada, indulging in water sports and enjoying the vibrant marine life of the Red Sea. This itinerary promises a thrilling blend of history, culture, and natural beauty, ensuring an unforgettable journey through Egypt.

The Eye of the Egyptian god, Horus

Itinerary Highlights

Cairo: Traverse on an awe-inspiring journey in Cairo, where ancient marvels and modern vibrancy collide. Be mesmerized by the majestic Great Pyramids of Giza and the enigmatic Sphinx, standing as enduring testaments to the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians. Explore the soon-to-open Grand Egyptian Museum, an immense tribute to the rich civilization of Egypt. Wander through the historic streets of Coptic Cairo, where ancient churches and the oldest synagogue in the country await your discovery. Immerse yourself in the bustling Khan Al-Khalili market, a treasure trove of vibrant souvenirs and local craftsmanship. Cairo is a city that seamlessly blends the past and present, promising an exhilarating adventure like no other.

Alexandria: Stroll along its scenic coastline and uncover the remnants of its glorious past. Visit the mesmerizing Catacombs of Kom El-Shoqafa, an underground labyrinth that reveals the intertwined Egyptian and Greek funerary traditions. Explore the iconic Fort of Qaitbey, built upon the ruins of the ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria. Delve into the intellectual spirit of the city at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, a modern marvel paying homage to the legendary Great Library. Alexandria, with its timeless charm and captivating allure, promises a coastal marvel that will leave you spellbound.

Aswan: Sail on a traditional felucca and witness the tranquil landscape unfold before your eyes. Marvel at the colossal temples of Abu Simbel, dedicated to Ra-Horakhty, Ptah, and Amun. Explore the captivating island of Philae, where the Temple of Isis stands as a testament to Egypt’s Greco-Roman era. Wander through the Aswan Museum, unraveling the shared history of Egypt, Nubia, and Sudan. Aswan, with its majestic river and ancient wonders, invites you to immerse yourself in its breathtaking splendor.

Luxor: Immerse yourself in its open-air museum of wonders. Behold the awe-inspiring temples of Karnak and Luxor, colossal structures showcasing the divine power and grandeur of the gods. Traverse the mystical Valley of the Kings, where the elaborate tombs of pharaohs, including the renowned Tutankhamun, rest in eternal glory. Visit the magnificent mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut and marvel at the towering Colossi of Memnon. Luxor is a gateway to the past, inviting you to unravel the mysteries of the pharaohs and experience the majestic splendor of ancient Egypt.

Hurghada: Escape to the picturesque coastal paradise of Hurghada, where pristine beaches and vibrant marine life beckon. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea and explore its mesmerizing coral reefs teeming with life. Indulge in thrilling water sports, embark on captivating snorkeling adventures, or even enjoy the exhilaration of horseback riding along the sun-kissed shores. Take a scenic boat trip to swim with playful dolphins and immerse yourself in the kaleidoscope of colors that lie beneath the turquoise waters. Hurghada is a haven for relaxation and adventure, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty and unforgettable experiences.

Suggested Detailed Itinerary

Day 1/14

Cairo: Welcome to the captivating land of Egypt! Upon your arrival, your personal guide awaits you at the airport, ready to accompany you to your hotel, ensuring a seamless transition.

Depending on your arrival time and fatigue level after the journey, today is reserved for your relaxation or an optional excursion tailored to your preferences.

Throughout this remarkable journey, prepare yourself for a culinary adventure. From traditional delicacies to unique gastronomic delights, Egypt boasts a myriad of restaurants and cafes scattered across the country, each with its own distinctive charm. Feel free to consult with your knowledgeable guide or explore the plethora of options available online to discover the perfect dining experiences that await you.


Cairo: Your private driver and guide will pick you up after your breakfast to head over to the Giza plateau. Here you will be arrested by the breathtaking view of the Great Pyramids and their eternal companion, Sphinx. The Egyptian pyramids of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure, built in that order, are a testament to planning and engineering genius of ancient Egyptians.

After your memorizing experience at the pyramids, you will be taken to the Grand Museum of Cairo. At nearly 500,000 sq. m and with an expected cost of more than $1bn, the GEM will be the world’s largest museum dedicated to a single civilisation, the ancient Egyptians. This museum is promised to open in the fall of 2022. If it is not, you will be taken to the Cairo Museum in Tahrir square instead.

You will then be left the rest of the day to rest.

Alexandria: Today you will head to the ancient city of Alexandria (Al-Iskandariyyah,) in Arabic. Historically, it was one of the most magnificent cities of the Mediterranean. Built by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE and named after him, it was the capital of Egypt. This is the same city that was associated with the romance of Cleopatra and Anthony, the glory of Alexander, the glorious Library of Alexandria, the giant lighthouse of Alexandria, and many more tales from the ageless history this city passed through.

Once you arrive, your guide will take you on a tour of the city where you get to experience much of the scenery of this beautiful city. Though administrative neglect and war have robbed the city of much of its ancient glory, it remains a proud city with its back turned against the rest of Egypt and its face embracing forever its beloved companion, the Mediterranean.

After you take some rest at your hotel, your guide will accompany you to visit the famous catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa (meaning Mound of Shards). This archaeological site was considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Middle Ages. A second century funerary complex, the catacombs were built with three levels. The third level was fully under water until recent restorative work rescued the site. Considered the largest known Roman burial site in Egypt, we owe the discovery of this place to a straying donkey that was accidentally swallowed by the grounds in 1900. The search for the donkey led to its discovery. Little did you know that donkeys can be archeologists.

Alexandria: You will start your day with a visit to the eastern harbor most visited site, The Fort of Qaitbey. Its hulking double wall is a characteristic of forts of that era. The location of the castle had an earlier significance as it was the exact site where the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria was erected.

The Pharoah’s Lighthouse was in use for over 17 centuries until its destruction at the turn of the 14th century in 1303. The Sultan Qaitbey, coming almost a hundred years later, built his fort from the same stone heaps left by the destruction of the famous lighthouse. Once you are at the higher levels of the fort you will be offered a marvelous panoramic view of the city of Alexandria with its beautiful Cornish (beach walkway).

From there you will visit a significant holy place of worship, the Mosque of Abu Abbas Al-Mursi, a Muslim Murcian (a city in southeastern Spain) saint from the 13th century. The structure itself is octagonal with stone arches from the sides. It is truly one of the most beautiful structures in Alexandria.

After your tour, your guide will be happy to escort you to visit the presidential palace gardens of Ras El-Tine. Overlooking the city western harbor, the palace has a rich history associated with Egyptian royalty. In the early 19th century, Mohammad Ali Pasha commissioned a few foreign architects and engineers to design and build the palace which took eleven years to complete. It was officially inaugurated in 1847. Though the palace itself is not open to the public as it is still used by the presidency of the country, the gardens offers a worthwhile walkabout.

Cairo: In the morning you will be heading back to Cairo. After a short break, you will head to the enchanting quarter of Coptic Cairo.

This area was known in previous times as the Roman bastion of Babylon. In this multifaith site there exist some of the oldest religious structures in the city. Showcasing, the first mosque build in Egypt, five churches, and the oldest synagogue in the country.

From there you will head to the heart of Islamic Cairo near the Medieval citadel of Saladin to visit the Khan Al-khalili. This souk (market) was open for business some time in the 14th century. but its magnificently sculpted monumental gates and labyrinth of alleyways were constructed in the 16th century. This is a fantastic place to shop for unique souvenirs and gifts for your friends and family.

Aswan: Today you will fly to the most southern governorate of Egypt, Aswan. Located 540 miles (870 km) south of Cairo it serves as a winter resort and a commercial and administrative centre; the city is a focal for many trade activities. However, its offering for visitors surpasses its current economic functions.

Once you arrive, you can relax by sailing in one of the famous Nile Feluccas, an old-style Egyptian wooden boat with one or two lateen sails. Coming to Egypt and not riding in a Felucca is like going to Rome and not visiting the Vatican.

You can then continue relaxing by heading after your ride to the beautifully recently renovated terrace of the legendary Old Cataract Hotel (now owned by Sofitel hotel chain). There you can enjoy a cup of delicious high tea with mint with some delicious desert.

Built in 1899 by Thomas Cook, its guests included many of the rich and famous. This hotel entertained the famous and the rich for decades. Its guests included Tsar Nicholas II, Winston Churchill, Howard Carter, Margaret Thatcher, Jimmy Carter, François Mitterrand, Princess Diana, Queen Noor and Agatha Christie, who set portions of her novel Death on the Nile at the hotel.

Aswan: You will need to drive to this next place for two-and-half-hours but we can assure you it is worth it. You will arrive at the mesmerizing temples of Abu Simbel, where two temples built by Ramesses II are now located. This complex is the most famous in all of Egypt after the Great Pyramids and Sphinx. Built on the west bank of the Nile river and placed between the first and second cataracts, the structure is dedicated to three deities at the same time, Ra-Horakhty, Ptah and Amun. The Great Temple of Abu Simbel took about 20 years to build. A colossal 4 statue sculptures of Ramesses II 20 meters high will greet you at the entrance. The entrance alone will stun you with awe.

After completing your visit to Abu Simbel, you will take a Nile boat that will take you to the island of Philae. There you will explore the Temple of Isis which was erected by Ptolemy II during Egypt’s Greco-Roman Period.

The temple was in danger of being submerged because of the construction of the newer Aswan dam that would have flooded the area. The UNESCO along with the Egyptian government collaborated to move the temple (50,000 stones one by one) to its current safe site.

Aswan: By taking a short ride by one of the Nile boats, you will reach the Elephantine Island, where two Nubian villages comprising some 3,000 occupants. The serenity of this island will be a wonderful change from the busy city of Aswan. The island may have received its name from its own shape. From the air, it looks like the tusk of an elephant.

On the island, you can find the Nilometer, which was used to measure the water levels and clarity during the annual and regular flood season. Also on the island, you can visit the Aswan Museum. Opened to the public in 1912, it contains many artifacts that tell the story of Nubia. Egypt, Nubia, and Sudan have much of shared rich history.

From the Elephantine Island you will head to Philae Island located between the old Aswan dam and the newer Aswan High Dam. Originally named P-aaleq, which is Coptic in origin meaning the end (or remote place) referring to the boundary between Egypt and Nubia. The current name is Greek. Locally it is known by the name of one of the heroes in The Thousand and One nights, Qasr Anas al-Wujud. There is much to learn here.

The island, in ancient times, was sacred to the goddess Isis and her cult. Those who worshiped Isis, built a temple of her here. However, due to different flooding activities after the construction of the Aswan Low Dam in 1902, the temple was dismantled and moved to the island of Agikia. This small island captured the imagination of many travelers in ancient times who sought its beauty. For this it was named the “Pearl of Egypt”.


Aswan / Kom Ombo: Standing on the banks of the Nile, is the Temple of Kom Ombo built during the Ptolemaic dynasty during the Roman invasion of Egypt. This is the third important stop between Aswan and Luxor after Esna and Edfu.

The temple is dedicated to two gods, Haroeris (The Falcon god, Horus) and Sobek, the crocodile god. It was unusual to construct a temple in Egypt for more than one god. So this dual temple has two sides, each one dedicated to one of the gods. the main temple was built by Ptolemy VI Philometor, and most of its decoration was completed by Cleopatra VII’s father.

You can conclude your visit by making a stop at the Crocodile Museum. Remember! In ancient times. crocodiles were worshiped here. The name of the crocodile god was Sebek (also speddled Sobek) and his chief residence was in the north of Egypt in the province of Fayyum. Sebek may have been an early fertility god.



Kom Ombo / Luxor: You will continue your Nile cruise by arriving at Luxor, the very site of the legendary ancient capital of Egypt, Thebes. Often characterized as the “World’s greatest open-air museum”, you will be in for a treat.

Your visit to Luxor will begin by visiting the complex temples of Karnak and Luxor. The Karnak Temple Complex holds within its square footage a marvelous collection of temples, precincts, chapels, and pylons. It took over a 1.000 years to develop the complex making it one of the largest and most important religious sites in all of ancient Egypt. The main core structure and the largest building in the complex is the Temple of Amun-Ra, the chief among all the Egyptian God. This temple was thought of as the earthly residence of the God, his wife, Mut and their son Khonsu, who have temples of their own on the site.

Next you will visit Luxor Temple. Built over 300 years it is a testament to the ingenuity of the ancient Egyptians. From here the pharaoh, Thutmose III planned his campaigns, Akhenaton reflected on the nature of one deity, and Ramesses II set out his ambitious building program for Egypt.

In the evening, you may wish to attend the sound and light show in the Karnak complex. You will not regret it.

Luxor: Across the river, lie monuments and temples on the west bank part of the The Theban Necropolis. This is where the famed Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. Millions of people over the centuries have visited this area arrested by its glorious historical significance. Scattered among the Valley of the kings more than 65 elaborate tombs of different sizes and labyrinths. Among them is one of the most famous one of all, the tomb of Tutankhamun. Also, here you will find the mortuary temple of Egypt’s longest reining queen, the Temple of Hatshepsut.

At some point you will head to visit the tomb of queen Nefertari, the wife of Ramesses the Great. Prepare to be dazzled by the magnificent colors of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics on the walls of the tomb.

Finally, you will end your exploration with a visit to the Colossi of Memnon. Here you will see two massive stone statues of the pharaoh Amenhotep III. They have stood there since 1350 BCE. The two statues were sculpted from blocks of quartzite sandstone which was quarried at el-Gabal el-Ahmar (near modern-day Cairo). They were then transported overland to Thebes, a distance of 420 miles (675 km).

Hurghada: Today and tomorrow after you arrive in Hurghada you will have a relaxing time along the enchanting beaches of the Red Sea. There are many water sports you can enjoy as well. Many choose this destination for snorkeling, diving, and even horseback riding on the beach.

We would recommend that you take a full-day boat trip which will offer you an opportunity to swim with dolphins, explore the famous reefs, and enjoy a lunch meal on the deck of your boat among the turquoise waters of the Red Sea.

If you are not enamored by the blue waters of Hurghada, you can head inland where you can ride camels, join a 3-hour quad bike safari, or horseback riding.

Hurghada: Today is a free day where you can catch up with some of the activities you did not get to do yesterday. Towards the end of the day, you will be flying back to Cairo for your last night there.

Cairo: After breakfast, your tour ends and depending on your flight time, you can arrange a short excursion with your private guide.

What clients said about this tour

Jasmine Leopard
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Cairo amazed me with its iconic pyramids and the upcoming Grand Egyptian Museum. Alexandria stole my heart with its historic Catacombs and the captivating Fort of Qaitbey. Aswan, with its serene beauty, offered unforgettable moments at the Temple of Isis and the majestic Abu Simbel. And Luxor took me back in time with its awe-inspiring Karnak Temple and the mystical Valley of the Kings. From start to finish, this itinerary was a perfect blend of ancient wonders and breathtaking experiences!
Nancy Bennett
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Luxor's Karnak Temple and Valley of the Kings took me on an extraordinary journey through ancient Egypt. This itinerary was a true treasure trove of wonders, making it an unforgettable adventure of a lifetime! I will certainly come back.
David J. Stewart
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Exploring Egypt was like stepping into a world of wonders! Cairo's Great Pyramids and the bustling Coptic Cairo showcased the country's captivating history. Alexandria's Catacombs and the mesmerizing Bibliotheca Alexandrina left me spellbound. Aswan's felucca sailing and the stunning Abu Simbel temples were breathtaking.
Desmond & Julia Patel
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We couldn’t imagine that there is so much to see. Cairo's Great Pyramids and the vibrant Khan Al-Khalili market were simply unforgettable. Alexandria's Fort of Qaitbey was like stepping into a different era. Aswan's serene Nile views and the stunning Philae Temple left us in utter awe. Wondering through the Valley of the Kings took us on a captivating journey through times that are older than history. This itinerary was a true adventure, filled with awe-inspiring moments at every turn! Thank you Road To Egypt.

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