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The city with the thousand minaret


“Cairo is one of the greatest storehouses of human achievement on earth, ranging from the pharaonic through the Christian and Islamic periods to the Belle Époque.”

― Michael Haag

Sallah: Indy, you have no time. If you still want the ark, it is being loaded onto a truck for Cairo.

Indiana Jones: Truck? What truck?

Indiana Jones, Raiders of the lost Ark

Why Cairo?

Cairo offers thousands of years of history

Cairo, romanized: al-Qāhirah, the bustling capital city of Egypt, is a destination that should be on every traveler’s bucket list. It boasts a rich and captivating history that spans over a millennium. With its ancient roots and vibrant cultural heritage, the city has an impressive rich history dating back thousands of years, and it is home to some of the most iconic landmarks in the world. From the ancient pyramids to the bustling markets, there’s no shortage of things to see and do in Cairo. Let’s delve into the captivating history of this remarkable city.
Cairo’s history dates back to the 10th century when it was founded by the Fatimid dynasty. The Fatimids, an Ismaili Shia caliphate religious order, established Cairo as their capital in 969 CE. During their rule, the city flourished as a center of learning, trade, and Islamic culture. The iconic Al-Azhar Mosque and school, one of the oldest universities in the world, was built during this era.

In the 12th century, Cairo fell under the control of the Ayyubid dynasty, led by the famous Salah ad-Din (Saladin). Under Ayyubid rule, the city witnessed further development and prosperity. However, it was in the 13th century when Cairo faced a significant upheaval as it was invaded and occupied by the Mamluks, a powerful slave dynasty. The Mamluk era marked a period of grand architectural projects, including the famous Citadel of Cairo and the Mosque of Muhammad Ali.

In the 19th century, Cairo became a prominent hub of European influence as Napoleon Bonaparte’s forces briefly occupied the city. Later, Egypt fell under the control of the Ottoman Empire. However, in the early 20th century, Cairo became the center of Egypt’s nationalist movement, which eventually led to the country’s independence in 1952.

Modern Cairo is a vibrant metropolis, home to over 20 million people. It preserves its historical legacy through remarkable landmarks like the Egyptian Museum, the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, the soon to be open The Grand Egyptian Museum, one of the largest museums in the world, the ancient Islamic mosques and Christian churches, and the awe-inspiring Giza Necropolis, including the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx.

Cairo’s captivating history has shaped its identity as a city of immense cultural significance, blending ancient wonders with modern developments. Today, as Cairo continues to evolve, it stands as a testament to Egypt’s enduring past and its vibrant future.

Islamic Cairo

Experience some of rarest Islamic structures in the world

Islamic Cairo is a section of the city that is home to many historic mosques, palaces, and other architectural marvels that date back to the Islamic era of Egypt around the 7th century A.D. Visitors can explore the Al-Azhar Mosque, one of the oldest universities in the world, wander through the winding streets of Khan El-Khalili, a bustling market that dates back to the 14th century, or be awed by the vastness of Sultan Hassan and Ahmad Ibn Tulun Mosque courtyards.

One of the most significant landmarks in Islamic Cairo is the medieval Citadel of Saladin, a massive fortress that was built in the 12th century. Visitors can explore the citadel and take in the stunning views of the city below from its ramparts.
If you’re planning a trip to Cairo, exploring Islamic Cairo is a must-do activity. We’ll explore below the importance of the site with its different mosques and structures in Cairo, highlighting the top places to visit and things to do in Islamic Cairo.

Citadel of Saladin

The Citadel of Saladin built in the 12th century, it is perched on top of the highest hilltop of Mokattam in Cairo providing an impressive view of the city it protects below and as far as the Giza plateau with its great pyramids. This citadel was erected by Sultan Saladin the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty to protect his reign over Egypt and Syria. He and the rulers who followed him ruled from the citadel for the next seven centuries. Saladin is an important figure in the third Crusade campaign as he spearheaded the Muslim military effort against the Crusader states in the Levant.

The citadel is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most impressive landmarks in Islamic Cairo.

Visitors can explore the citadel’s many structures, including the Al-Nasr Mosque, the National Military Museum, and the Police Museum. Because the citadel offers a breathtaking view of the city, it is a perfect spot for photography.

Ibn Tulun Mosque

The Ibn Tulun Mosque is one of the oldest and most well-preserved mosques in Cairo. It was built in the 9th century and is known for its unique architectural style, which features a pointed dome and minaret. The mosque’s interior is also stunning, with intricate beautiful tile work and wooden screens.

The mosque was constructed on a small hill called Gebel Yashkur, “The Hill of Thanksgiving.” You will hear in one of the local legends that it is here that Noah’s Ark came to rest after the Deluge, rather than at Mount Ararat, in modern day Turkey. The mosque has been used for several purposes. One such purpose is it was used as a shelter for pilgrims heading to Mecca and Medina from North Africa to the Hijaz of Arabia in the 12th century.

Visitors can climb the mosque’s minaret for stunning views of the city. In a legend connected to the minaret it is claimed that Ibn Tulum himself was responsible for the design of it, accidentally. While sitting with his entourage of officials, he wound a piece of parchment inattentively around one of his fingers. When he was asked about his action, he awkwardly replied that he was designing the minaret of his mosque.

The mosque has been restored several times throughout history. The first known restoration was completed in 1077 under orders of one of the Fatimid vizier Badr al-Jamali. Later in 1296, Sultan Lajin’s carried out another restoration where several improvements were added. The mosque was most recently restored by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities in 2004.

This mosque is another site rich with evidence for how marvelous and rich Islamic Architecture was at the time relying on elements from the surrounding environment.

Islamic Cairo

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The Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan

Another impressive structure of this area of Cairo is the Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan located in the Saladine Square, known historically as Al-Rumaila Square ‘The Sandy Square’, the Black Square, and even colloquially as ‘Square under the citadel’. This is the main city square of Islamic Cairo.

The mosque was built in the 14th century by Sultan Al-Nasir Hasan and is considered one of the finest examples of Islamic architecture in the world. The mosque is known for its massive size and stunning details, including intricate calligraphy and beautiful tile work. It is even more remarkable since its construction coincided with the devastation of the Black Plague that inflicted the region several times starting from the middle of the 14th century forward. The mosque cost was exuberant by the standard of the age as several historians from the era recorded in their accounts.

The mosque occupies almost 8000 square meters in a location close to the Citadel of Cairo. On several occasions those who opposed the different Sultans, taking the Citadel as their headquarters, fired projectiles at the citadel from the mosque prompting several of the rulers to attempt demolishing the mosque all together.

On each side of the sun-bathed square are four soaring vaulted halls, or Iwans (a rectangular hall or space), which are home to the madrassas, or education centers, of the four main Sunni Islam schools of thought: The Hanbali, The Shafi’i, The Hanafi , and The Maliki.

Among the other fascinating details about the structure, the dome of the mausoleum chamber, visible from outside and from the citadel, is no longer the original one and was replaced with the current one in 1671. It is believed that the original dome was damaged by the fallen minaret in the seventeenth century or by the cannonballs that were fired from the citadel in times of conflict. An Italian traveler in the 17th century recorded that the original dome, was made of wood and shaped like an egg, even more accurately like a bulb with a narrow base.

Today, visitors can explore with awe the mosque’s many courtyards, prayer halls, and minarets. The mosque is also a popular spot for photography, thanks to its stunning architectural features and magnificent ornamentations.

Khan el-Khalili

Khan El-Khalili is a humming market that dates back to the 14th century. The site of Khan el-Khalili today was originally the location of the burial site of the Fatimid caliphs. The market is known for its lively atmosphere, and visitors can wander through the narrow streets, admiring the stunning architecture and browsing the many shops selling traditional Egyptian souvenirs, jewellery, spices, and textiles.

One of the unique features of Khan el-Khalili is its many cafes and restaurants, where visitors can sample traditional Egyptian food and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. The market is a perfect spot to immerse yourself in the local culture and see how Egyptians live and work.

This market does not only offer a unique shopping experience, but several famous coffee houses and restaurant. This is a known site for smoking the famous shisha. Here you can also enjoy the experience of visiting one of the oldest and most famous traditional coffeehouses in all of Egypt, El-Fishawi, opened in 1773.

Islamic Cairo

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Al-Azhar Mosque

This is the world’s second-oldest institution of higher learning. it is Egypt’s oldest degree-granting university and is renowned as one of the world’s most prestigious universities for Islamic learning.

As for the structure, this mosque is one of the most famous landmarks in Islamic Cairo. The mosque was established in 970 A.D. It served as a center of Islamic learning for centuries. It’s a must-visit site for those interested in Islamic history and architecture.

The mosque’s interior is decorated with intricate tile work, calligraphy, and beautiful wooden screens. Visitors can also explore the mosque’s courtyards, which are surrounded by domes and minarets. The mosque is still in use today, and visitors should dress appropriately when visiting.

The Museum of Islamic Art (MIA)

The museum is another must-see destination for visitors to Cairo. This museum is considered one of the greatest museums of Islamic arts in the world, with its exceptional collection of rare woodwork and plaster artefacts, as well as textiles, metal, ceramic, glass, and crystal objects of all periods, from all over the Islamic world. This collection features artefacts from Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Morocco, North Africa, Andalusia (modern day Spain), Turkey, and Iran. It spans more than 12 centuries starting from the 7th to the 19th centuries.

The museum houses more than 4,000 pieces in more than 2 halls. We are told that it contains another 100,000 or more pieces in its storage with new pieces being added to the main displays regularly. One of the magnificent collection pieces are rare manuscripts of early version of the Qur’an with calligraphy written in silver ink on pages with beautifully designed borders.

Interesting Facts about Islamic Cairo

  • The Al-Azhar Mosque is named after Fatima Al-Zahraa, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.
  • The Citadel of Saladin was built using stones taken from the Pyramids of Giza.
  • Khan El-Khalili is named after a famous Mamluk-era merchant who built a palace in the area.
  • The Ibn-Tulun Mosque is said to be haunted by the ghost of Ibn Tulun himself.

Visitors are generally very welcome in the mosques and museums in this area, but to learn more about the Islamic history and the architecture of this part of Cairo, we recommend you be in the company of one of the seasoned tour guides recommended by one of our experienced partners.

The city juxtaposes

Ancient History Modern Culture Eastern Designs Western Architecture

Some guidelines during the tour

  • Stay hydrated and protect from the sun

    While you marvel at the treasures of Egypt, don't forget to heed the call of the desert sun. Stay hydrated by sipping on bottled water, and shield yourself with hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen to ensure your exploration remains a comfortable and enjoyable venture.

  • Embrace modest attire

    In the spirit of cultural respect, especially for women, attire that reflects modesty is highly appreciated. A gracefully draped scarf can be your companion to elegantly cover shoulders and knees when necessary, while gentlemen are advised to eschew tank tops. It is not frowned upon to walk around without a shirt.

  • Cultivate discretion in public displays of affection

    Beyond the realm of holding hands, the enchanting streets of Cairo frown upon extravagant public displays of affection. Save the tender embraces for locales more conducive to such sentiments.

  • Carry sufficient cash but not plenty

    Cairo's intricate tapestry is woven with businesses that thrive on cash transactions. Wander not empty-handed, for the city's treasures await those who are equipped with coins and currency to partake in its wonders.

  • Contribute to the spirit of gratitude

    In the symphony of gestures, tipping finds its harmonious refrain. Be prepared to extend a gesture of appreciation in the form of a small gratuity for services rendered, seamlessly binding you to the rhythm of Cairo's gracious hospitality.

  • Engage in the art of negotiation

    Cairo's bustling markets, boutiques adorned with souvenirs, and even the winding paths of taxis beckon you to partake in the timeless dance of haggling. The art of negotiation is a cherished tradition here, fostering not just a transaction, but a cultural exchange.

  • Time your mosque visits wisely

    While the city's mosques stand as architectural wonders and places of serene contemplation, it's prudent to plan your visits beyond the prayer times. A respectful pause during these moments of devotion is emblematic of your sensitivity to local customs.

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Coptic Cairo

A rich glimpse into the Ancient Christian Heritage

Cairo is a city of contrasts, where ancient monuments and modern high-rises stand side by side. Coptic Cairo (also known as Mogama’ El-Adyan, the Interfaith Compound) is the oldest section of the city and even predates the building of Cairo itself by the Fatimid Muslims in 969 A.D. This area is the home to many important Christian and Jewish sites.

Copts (al-qibṭ) is an Arabic name given to an ethnoreligious Christian group indigenous to North Africa and traditionally occupied the areas of Egypt, Sudan, and Libya. Most of the members of this group are oriental Orthodox Christian. Although originally Copts referred to all Egyptians, it became exclusively the term which describes Egyptian Christians, after the Muslims conquered Egypt in the 77th century and the Arabization of the country.

Among such sites, the visitors can explore the Coptic Museum, which houses a vast collection of art and artifacts, visit the Hanging Church, a beautiful church that dates back to the 7th century A.D, and enjoy the unique architecture of the Church of St. George.

Some believe, according to the Gospel of Matthew, that the family of Christ lived here shortly after the His birth for a period of time during their flight from Emperor Herod who, due to the unwelcome prophecy of the birth of the King of the Jews brought by the Magi, ordered the slaughter of all boys under two years of age in the vicinity of Bethlehem.

One of the most unique sites in Coptic Cairo is the Ben Ezra Synagogue, which is believed to be one of the oldest synagogues in the world. The synagogue has a rich history and is said to have been built on the site where baby Moses was found.

Coptic Cairo

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The Hanging Church

The Hanging Church, officially known as the Church of the Virgin Mary or the Suspended Church, is one of the most famous landmarks in Coptic Cairo. It carries this name because it is built on the top of the southern gatehouse of the Roman-built Babylon Fortress and its nave is suspended over a passageway.

The church is thought to date back to the time of the Coptic Pope, the Patriarchate of Isaac of Alexandria, who resided over the church in the 7th century and as such is considered one of the oldest churches in Egypt. Prior to that, another church existed on the same site, built some time during the 3rd century as a place of worship for the soldiers inhabiting the Roman fortress. The church itself has gone through several restorations since it was built most notably in the 10th century under Pope Abraham.

Visitors can explore the church’s stunning architecture and interior, which features intricate woodwork, frescoes, and marble columns. One of the Hanging Church’s most notable features is the ceiling, which is built of vaulted timber and intended to resemble the interior of Noah’s Ark.

There are many religious myths and stories associated with this site accumulated over its history. We invite to spend some time learning about such interesting ideas since its theology is markedly different than most common western churches. One of the very famous myths often retold here is the Miracle of Mokattam Mountain, an intriguing encounter between both the Christian and the Muslim worlds.

The church is a popular spot for photography and is also a great place to learn about the history of Christianity in Egypt.

The Coptic Museum

The Coptic Museum houses the largest collection of Coptic artifacts in the world. It was established by Marcus Simaika (1864–1944), considered the father of Coptic Archeology, who was a descendant of one of the oldest Coptic families and a Cairene notable. It is one of the most important museums in Cairo and is dedicated to the history of Coptic Christianity in Egypt. It houses a vast collection of artifacts, including icons, manuscripts, and textiles, dating back to the 4th century.

The artifacts on display in the museum show the merge of Coptic art with the prevailing cultures including Pharaonic, Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman, and its evolution in developing its own character and identity. Among its extensive collections, are magnificently decorated manuscripts, icons, finely designed and carved woodwork, and elaborate frescos depicting religious scenes that were recovered from ancient monasteries and churches.

Visitors can explore the museum’s many exhibits and learn about the history of the Coptic Church and its traditions. The museum also has a beautiful garden and courtyard, where visitors can relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

Coptic Cairo

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The Church of St. George

The Church of St. George (القديس جرجس) is another impressive landmark in Coptic Cairo. It is located near the Babylon Fortress, which was built by the Romans to protect the city from invasion. The church is named after St. George, the patron saint of Egypt.

St. George was born about 280 A.D. of a Christian family that was wealthy and of noble origin, in the city of Capadocia, a city of the Eastern Empire, in Asia Minor.

Legends grew up about this Saint, but the most famous one is about his fight with the dragon, which was documented in a book called “the Golden legend” by Jacobus de Voragine, a bishop of Genoa. It happened when St. George was once stationed with the Roman army near Salone in Libya, North Africa. In that area a Dragon which was described as a huge crocodile with scaled wings, had eaten so many of the country folks around Salone that the remaining lot fled to the town and took shelter behind its walls. There, the dragon was positioned outside the city gates, and nobody could get in or out. Moreover, its poisonous breath was so lethal that as it snored over the city wall, people could actually drop dead in the nearby area. In order to keep the beast away from the walls, two sheep were tethered every day, some distance away. The system worked fine until they ran out of sheep and the miserable people could not think of any other alternative but to sacrifice one child everyday. You can read more about the story here.

The church’s interior is decorated with stunning mosaics and frescoes, and visitors can explore its many chapels and prayer halls. The church is also known for its impressive bell tower, which offers panoramic views of the city.

The Church of St. Sergius and Bacchus

The Church of the Martyrs St. Sergius and Bacchus is another famous landmark in Coptic Cairo. Also known as Abu Serga, is one of the oldest churches in Egypt dating back to the 4th century. It The church is known for its unique architecture and recognized for its historical importance. This is also where many of the patriarchs of the Coptic Church were elected starting as far back as the 7th century when Patriarch Isaac of Alexandria was the first.

Sergius and Bacchus were soldier-saints martyred during the 4th century in Syria by the Roman Emperor Maximian. The church is also home to many relics including the crypt where Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus have sought shelter during their flight to Egypt.

Visitors can explore the church’s many chapels and prayer halls, which are decorated with stunning frescoes and mosaics.

Ben Ezra Synagogue

The Ben Ezra Synagogue is a significant religious site in Coptic Cairo. It is one of the oldest synagogues in Egypt and is believed to be located on the site where Moses was found floating in the Nile River. The synagogue is also significant because it served as the El-Geniza Synagogue, or storage room, for the Jewish community of Cairo. When the El-Geniza of this synagogue was found in the 19th century, it contained a treasure of forgotten, stored way Hebrew, Aramaic and Judeo-Arabic secular and sacred manuscripts.

The founding date of the Ben Ezra Synagogue is not known, although there is good evidence from documents found in the geniza that it predates 882 CE and is probably pre-Islamic. Little is known about the original building. In about 1012, Fatimid caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah ordered the destruction of all Jewish and Christian places of worship. The original Ben Ezra Synagogue was torn down, “its bricks and timber sold for scrap.” However, The next caliph, al-Zahir li-i’zaz Din Allah, allowed the reconstruction of Christian and Jewish institutions, and the synagogue was rebuilt in the 1025–1040 period.

Visitors can explore the synagogue’s interior, which features beautiful Islamic and Jewish designs and motifs. The synagogue is a popular destination for tourists and is an excellent example of the religious diversity that has characterized Cairo throughout its history.

Interesting Facts about Coptic Cairo

  • The Hanging Church is also known as the “Church of the 10 Virgins” because it was built to honor the ten virgins who were martyred during the Roman Empire.
  • The Coptic Museum was built in the 19th century and is housed in a beautiful 17th-century mansion.
  • In the wake of the Crusades, George became a model of chivalry in works of literature, including medieval romances.

Don’t forget to add to your itinerary a visit to the famous Saint Simon Monastery, also known as the Cave Church. This church is not only the largest in Egypt, but many claim the entire Middle East region.

Things you can see in Alexandria

Giza Necropolis Plateau

The site of the last remaining wonder of the old world

Throughout history and for many this area has been the zone of dreams and myth. For some it is a source of ancient mystery and fantasy, for others a cause for awe and wonder, yet for some a source of healing and energy. This is the site of the most famous and last remaining wonder of the ancient world, the Greater Pyramids of Giza. Located on the western edge of the city of Cairo, this vast plateau is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in ancient Egyptian history and architecture.

History of the Giza Plateau the Giza Plateau was once the necropolis of Memphis, the capital of Ancient Egypt. The plateau is home to three main pyramids: the Great Pyramid of Khufu (also known as Cheops), the Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren), and the Pyramid of Menkaure (Mycerinus). These pyramids were built during the Fourth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, between 2580 and 2560 BCE. In addition to the pyramids, the Giza Plateau also includes the Great Sphinx, several smaller pyramids, and a number of temples and tombs.

The magnificent structures of The Pyramids of Giza were built by and are a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the ancient Egyptians over 4,500 years ago. The still manage to instill awe in their visitors today. The pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs and their consorts to provide a safe passage to the afterlife. It is theorized they were built with massive limestone blocks that were cut elsewhere and brought to the site. However, the jury is still out on being certain on the method by which they were built. Can you perhaps try to discover the method yourself?

The Great Pyramid of Khufu is the largest and oldest of the three pyramids, standing at a height of 147 meters and containing over 2.3 million limestone blocks weighing between 2 and 80 tons. It was originally covered in smooth white limestone, but much of it was removed over the years to build other structures in Cairo. The Pyramid of Khafre is slightly smaller than the Great Pyramid, but it appears taller because it was built on higher ground. The Pyramid of Menkaure is the smallest of the three main pyramids, standing at a height of 65 meters.

In addition to the pyramids, the Great Sphinx is another impressive structure on the Giza Plateau. It is a statue of a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human, believed to represent the pharaoh Khafre. The statue is 73 meters long and 20 meters tall, and it is carved out of a single piece of limestone. The Sphinx is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Egypt, and it has been the subject of many legends and mysteries over the years.

There are plenty of interesting activities to do on the Giza Plateau. One of the most popular activities is to take a camel ride around the pyramids, which is a great way to see the structures up close and experience the surrounding desert landscape. Visitors are highly encouraged to take a guided tour of the Giza Plateau with one of our partner’s seasoned guides. Such tour will usually include a visit to the Great Pyramid, the Pyramid of Khafre, and the Great Sphinx. In addition, visitors can explore the temples and tombs in the surrounding area, including the Valley Temple of Khafre and the Solar Boat Museum.

Fun Facts about the Giza Plateau

  • The Great Pyramid of Khufu was the tallest man-made structure in the world for over 3,800 years, until the completion of the Lincoln Cathedral in England in 1311 CE.
  • The Great Sphinx is believed to be the oldest known monumental sculpture in Egypt, dating back to the reign of Pharaoh Khafre in the 26th century BCE.
  • The Giza Plateau was named one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and it is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • In addition to the pyramids and temples, the Giza Plateau is home to a large number of tombs, including the tomb of Hemiunu, the architect of the Great Pyramid.

Note: To enter the pyramids and see the inner tomb space where the coffin of the Pharaoh King used to be is a unique experience on all accounts. However, it involved the climbing and declining through narrow and steep tunnels. Though it is unforgettable, this experience is not recommended for those with weak hearts, respiratory issues, elderly, or claustrophobic.

The Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum built in 1835 is a worthy destination to visit, important for anyone interested in Egyptian history and culture. The museum is home to over 120,000 artifacts, including the treasures of King Tutankhamun’s tomb. The museum’s collection spans over 5,000 years of Egyptian history, from the Old Kingdom to the Greco-Roman period. Some of the most notable artifacts on display include the mummy of Ramses II, the Narmer Palette, and the statue of Khafre.

A sanctuary of wonder and enlightenment, this grand repository stands as a testament to the rich tapestry of civilization that once flourished along the banks of the Nile. As you step through its hallowed halls, you’ll be transported to a realm where pharaohs reigned as deities and the sands whispered secrets of bygone eras.

Envision standing before the resplendent artifacts that once adorned the lives of illustrious rulers and commoners alike. Behold the majestic artifacts that graced the courts of queens and the tombs of kings, each an exquisite masterpiece crafted with unwavering devotion to detail. From the enigmatic allure of the Rosetta Stone to the haunting gaze of the Great Sphinx, the museum’s chambers house an unparalleled collection that speaks volumes about the human spirit’s insatiable thirst for knowledge, innovation, and artistry. Wander amidst statues that seem to come to life, intricate jewelry that once adorned noble necks, and meticulously preserved mummies that offer a haunting glimpse into ancient burial practices.

As the heart of Egypt’s cultural heritage, the National Egyptian Museum beckons travelers from across the globe to unearth the mysteries of an epoch shrouded in legend and enigma. This unparalleled sanctuary is more than a museum; it’s a portal into the very essence of Egypt’s soul. Let its treasures ignite your imagination and kindle a profound connection with humanity’s extraordinary past, ensuring that your visit is an indelible odyssey of discovery and enchantment.

Enjoy the vastness of Cairo All tours are customizable to your taste

Tours that include Cairo

The Unique Cuisine

After a long day of exploring Cairo’s many landmarks, visitors can indulge in the city’s delicious cuisine. Thought there are plenty of western franchise restaurants and outlets, Egyptian food is known for its bold flavors and rich spices. Every bite here is a symphony of flavors that dance upon your taste buds. Get ready to indulge in an enchanting array of Egyptian delights that will whisk you away to a world of aromatic spices, vibrant colors, and mouthwatering textures.

As you stroll through vibrant markets and charming alleyways, the enticing aroma of koshari wafts through the air – a delightful mishmash of lentils, pasta, rice, and crispy onions, forming a comforting melody of tastes and textures that’s sure to warm your heart. Don’t miss out on the sizzle and savor of Ful Medames, a hearty dish of fava beans adorned with zesty tomatoes, creamy tahini, and a sprinkle of fresh herbs, creating an irresistible harmony of creamy and tangy sensations.

Egypt’s street food scene is a treasure trove of delights that beckon your senses. Sink your teeth into fragrant Taameya (Egyptian Flafel), crispy and golden falafel bursting with herbs and spices, accompanied by the satisfying crunch of pita bread.

For a journey into the world of tender meat, succulent kebabs and kofta grilled to perfection are a must-try, each bite infused with smoky allure that lingers on your palate.

As you traverse the culinary landscape of Cairo, make sure to set sail on a delectable seafood odyssey that will transport you to the bountiful waters of the Nile, the Red Sea, and the Mediterranean. Indulge in the briny delights that these pristine waters offer, as skilled chefs transform their catch into masterpieces that will delight both your palate and your imagination.

Picture yourself relishing the delicate flavors of Samak Mashwi, where succulent fish is marinated in a harmonious blend of herbs and spices, then lovingly grilled to perfection. Or perhaps you’re tempted by the allure of Sayadeya, a fragrant rice dish infused with tender fish, aromatic spices, and rich tomato sauce – every forkful an invitation to savor the sea’s bounty.And let’s not forget the grand finale – a delectable feast of sweets that will leave you enchanted. Sink into the velvety embrace of Umm ali, a luscious bread pudding drenched in sweetened milk and crowned with nuts and raisins. Savor the melt-in-your-mouth layers of baklava, a heavenly concoction of flaky pastry, honey, and nuts, creating a harmonious blend of textures that’s simply irresistible.

Prepare to embark on a culinary adventure that will ignite your senses and immerse you in the heart and soul of Cairo’s vibrant food culture. From the first bite to the last, your taste buds will be serenaded by a medley of flavors that will leave you craving for more.

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